What I Need Most to Remember
When Way Out West started in 2007 and the question of documenting the festival arose, he didn’t hesitate. Since then, he has brought his camera to almost every Way Out . Read more.
Hôtel Eggers, Göteborg, 30/5-1/9 2024
Studio Skeppargatan, 25/4 2024
Från The Hives till Don Giovanni, 2002-2020.
Passagen Vincafé Eskilstuna, October 05 - October 28, 2023
Galleri Korn, October 30 - November 1, 2020.
Music, theater and opera. Read more.
Musiklivet Göteborg 1955−2018
Göteborgs Stadsmuseum, November 14, 2015 - January 14, 2018.
An exhibition together with other photographers. "Join the arenas, black clubs and forgotten dance floors in a historical journey through popular music Gothenburg!"
Näshulta kulturdagar
Näshulta - Eskilstuna 28/6-5/7 2016.
Thåström – Live
Lokomotivet & Royal k100 - Eskilstuna 28 / 3-30 / 4 2015.
Vi som delar hjärta
Musikaliska - Stockholm 12/2 2015. (with Hjärt-Lungfonden)
Fyra fotografer
Eskilstuna Ölkultur - Eskilstuna 22/3-30/4 2014
Fifteen Shades of Gray
Bokmässan (Book Fair) - Gothenburg 2012, Pustervik 6-20/10 2012
Med trumhinnorna som insats
Rica Hotel Kungsgatan - Stockholm, 6/4-30/5 2011
We Rock
Scandic Anglais - Stockholm, 30/11/2010 - 9/1 2011
Micke Sandström Goes Way Out West
Mornington Hotel - Gothenburg, 11/8-11/9 2010
Här var där
In 2009, the city of Eskilstuna celebrated 350 years. Stefan Möller, Micke Thörnqvist and I were commissioned to produce an exhibition for the municipality's advertising column. The result was a series of 22 historical images carefully embedded in newly taken photographs. Eskilstuna City Museum exhibited these pictures again in the summer of 2011.
Med trumhinnorna som insats
Galleri Korn - Stockholm, 6/3-11/3 2010